Why GIS?

I start my interest in GIS and mapping during my university life. Since I study Urban Planning, I learn to use ArcGIS. Well at that time I'm not exactly good at it, but the key interests was due Google Maps also start to available around that time. It was very basic, and has poor coverage, even on the beginning of Android (circa 2010), I still need to use rooted phone to allow navigation function in my country.


However one thing is clear, spatial data is another important data in daily life. The information contained changes the behavior of people. These days most (younger) people will stick to the navigation app rather than remembering the intersection or how many traffic lights passed. 


Of course the data itself, spatial data or sometimes spatiotemporal data, sometimes not easily accessible. Let's say a simple one, do we have village (kelurahan) level administrative area as freely available or open data to date?

These days there are several methods to obtain these data, from Commercial API based, GeoServer based, ArcGIS REST API based, DB based such as PostGIS, or a simple file based.